Website Design For Toronto Appliance Repair Company

CooperFix Appliance Repair

Lead Generation Website

CooperFix Appliance Repair is an appliance repair company servicing all of Toronto and the GTA. For CooperFix, which repairs all major brands of appliances, it was very important for them to have a website that was easy to navigate and categorizes the content conveniently.

  • Custom Design
  • Project Highlights
  • SEO Optimization for Specific Locations
  • Easy Content Management System
  • Full-Suite SEO Optimization
  • Mobile Responsive Design
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appliance repair company website design
website design development for appliance company

Get To Know
CooperFix Appliance Repair

CooperFix Appliance Repair has over 20 years of experience and has learned that the key to success in their industry is to do the right thing and be straightforward, always available and provide excellent service to their clients.

CooperFix Appliance Repair prides itself on providing reliable and economical appliance repair services that are both affordable and reliable. There’s no job that’s too difficult or intimidating for them, whether the customer is experiencing problems with their household washer and dryer or appliances like a refrigerator or stove. They pride themselves on helping anyone and everyone with any questions or concerns they may have regarding their appliances.

Full Suite Content Management

It was essential to have an extensive, organized and robust content management system for CooperFix Appliance Repair given that they service and repair so many different appliances and brands. To control client, project, and location information, Gilmedia used a variety of digital online content management tools.

To provide potential clients with all the information they need about CooperFix Appliance Repair services as well as provide inspiration through past repair job projects and visuals, we created an informational style website aligned with the best SEO practices. Using Gilmedia, we created a simple and helpful index for potential customers in need of appliance repair that was as friendly and easy to use as possible.

Powerful Seamless WordPress Integration

Using this integrated system, Gilmedia manages every aspect of the WordPress Content Management System (CMS), from file naming to asset uploading, using this integrated system. Gilmedia uses extensions that are extremely capable and customized so that every copy and asset is applicable and works for CooperFix Appliance Repair conversions.

  • Workflow Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Optimizes All Platforms For Universal Digital Optimization
  • Intuitive and UX-Friendly Design
  • Top to Bottom Customization
  • SEO-friendly
  • Access From Any Network or Device
web development for repair company
Platform WordPress
Website Type Informational
Number of Pages 80+
Development Time 5 Weeks
Project Team 5 Members
Website Style Modern
Design Custom
multi page layout web development

Why Choose The Best? – Gilmedia

We develop client-specific websites based on creativity, user experience, and custom solutions. In the past, we have designed, developed, and optimized websites for clients across various industries. As a result, the website is highly responsive, scalable, reliable, and conversion-optimized. Gilmedia supports many appliance repair brands throughout the country with performance-driven websites.

Learn more about us